Informatics, Data Analysis, and Statistics

Matthew F. Glasser, PhD
Assistant Professor of Radiology
Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis
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Matthew Glasser’s research focuses on developing new brain imaging preprocessing and analysis methods and applying them to solve important neuroanatomical problems. Together these contributions comprise the core of the Human Connectome Project’s approach to brain imaging acquisition, analysis, and data sharing, and they enabled the generation of a new multi-modal map of the human cerebral cortex. Current work focuses on developing and validating multi-modal non-invasive MRI-based imaging data phenotypes, including architectural measures such as myelination, functional measures such as fMRI activation, structural and functional connectivity, and perfusion measures from arterial spin labeling to study brain aging in healthy adults using a longitudinal design. Other work explores individual variability in human brain areas in an effort to better understand inter-individual differences. His long-term research focus is to bring connectome-style methods to bear on clinical problems while continuing to address outstanding methodological and neuroanatomical issues in brain imaging. As a neuroradiologist, he sees his primary role as providing imaging expertise to other clinicians to help them address clinical problems and to maximize their chance for success by using the best brain imaging methods available.
Dr. Glasser's lab can be found at, and the Human Connectome Project users mailing list can be reached at

Daniel Marcus, PhD
Professor of Radiology
Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis
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Dan Marcus is the Chief Scientific Officer of Flywheel and a Professor of Radiology at Washington University, where he is Director of the Computational Imaging Laboratory. He is the author of over 100 publications on topics ranging from scientific databases to automated brain network analysis and tumor segmentation. Marcus has led the development of a number of high impact informatics and computational platforms in support of biomedical imaging applications across many disease areas. His work includes creation and ongoing direction of the open source XNAT platform, the Human Connectome Project Database, and the National Cancer Institute’s Integrative Imaging Informatics for Cancer Research (I3CR) program. Marcus was also the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Radiologics, Inc., which developed cloud-scale imaging informatics services for clinical trials and AI-powered patient diagnostics. Radiologics was acquired by Flywheel in 2021. He is a co-founder of Sora Neuroscience.
Marcus continues to provide leadership and technical insights across a broad swath of biomedical research. He is the director of Flywheel’s clinical division and federated data network. His passions include automated tumor quantification, brain health characterization, and database design for complex data. When not doing science, he can typically be found traveling to the mountains with his family, watching tennis or a ballgame, or chasing his dog down the damn street.